Sunday, April 20, 2008

My Customers Make Me Smile

I really have some of the sweetest customers. It always makes my day when a customer takes time out of their busy day to email me and let me know that they like their necklace. This was the email that started my day today...


All I can say is WOWOWOWOW!!! I’ve been wearing the necklace you made for me and all I can say is I love it!!! I get lots of comments and compliments on it but even if I didn’t, I love it so much. I feel like my family is close to my heart all the time and I reach up and touch it and them all the time. You were such a joy to work with, being “real” via email and helping me plan the necklace.

Thank you again, Norma

What a great way to start my day! Thank you Norma!

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