Saturday, November 1, 2008

Halloween is Done

It really seems like Halloween was a month long celebration around here. That might be because I start decorating for it insanely early, but it has always been one of my favorite holidays ever since I was a little girl, and Bella seems to feel the same way. We had a really fun few weeks. We didn't get many trick or treaters last night (I have an insane amount of candy left), but we had a good time. We visited both of my parent's houses, then came home and took turns taking Bella trick or treating. We probably only went to a dozen houses, as we spent time visiting with our neighbors. Bella hasn't quite hit the age where she wants to power trick or treat and hit 100 houses, though I'm sure that time will come. Here are some pictures from our night...

Making a Halloween Cake...

Pumpkin Carving...

Princess Bella (who's actually dressed up as Barbie from Barbie & The Diamond Castle)

With her Great Grandparents

With the neighbors...

With Uncle Jordan...

Handing out candy before calling it a night...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like 'Guitar Hero' Uncle Jordan. Love the black wig. LOL.

Oh and the little neighbor dude as 'Iron Man'. Cute!

And Bella's hair truly looks tiara worthy!

Happy November Christi.