1. Names - the most popular choice for our customers is having names that are special to them put on their necklace. We do many with children’s names, but also a good number with couple’s names as well - in fact they are a very popular engagement gift. Some people put multiple names on one pendant, while others select a different pendant for each name. It’s all a mater of personal style and taste. If you have a family that is still growing, getting names on seperate pendants will allow you to add to your necklace as you add to your family. A sweet option that we see often is getting the couple’s name on one pendant and their children’s names on another or on our Tiny Tags.
2. “I AM BLESSED”. This is an extremely popular choice at Sentimental Silver. We get a lot of orders for pieces with names on one side, and I AM BLESSED on the other. We also get a lot of orders for pendants that say I AM BLESSED, with our Tiny Tags added with the names of those special blessings.
3. Happy Mommy. Happy Grandma. Lucky Mommy. Lucky Aunt. Lucky Girl. You get the idea! Here’s a custom made Happy Mummy for a customer in the UK…
4. Pet Names. Pet lovers get their pet’s names on necklaces to wear themselves, as well as their pet’s names and contact number on a tag for their furry friend to wear.
5. A Message For Dad. While most of our creations find their way to women, we’ve made many special gifts for men as well.
6. A little girl’s name on a sweet little daisy. Our Dainty Daisy is perfect for little girls.

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