Sunday, September 7, 2008

What a week...

This past week has quite possibly been one of the most stressful (and longest) of my life. Too tired to even begin to discuss it, but I know a few friends of mine have been wondering why I've been MIA, and I just wanted to let them know I'm still here, just trying to manage all that is going on while keeping things going at home and keeping up with orders. Anytime I think things may finally be calming down, something cranks them back up. I'm not sure when I'll get to the light at the end of the tunnel, but I'm holding onto the belief that there is one.

No matter what craziness life throws my way, I am blessed beyond measure with an amazing husband and daughter, who keep me laughing through anything and everything. Laughter really is the best medicine. I owe them both many home cooked dinners and lots of my undivided attention. I probably also owe them some baked goods (which around here are like a get out of jail free card). This place and this place certainly are full of some great ideas and I'm fairly certain whipping this up for Rick would make up for anything LOL.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(((HUGS))) Christi! I'll be here to vent on (in person even...LOL) soon.

We are coming back later today. Take care of yourself and just breathe.

Talk to you later chica.