Tuesday, September 30, 2008

More then a sprain...

Sadly it turns out that Bella's sprained ankle is not a sprain, it's actually a fracture in part of the growth plate in her ankle. Tomorrow morning we go to see an orthopedic suregon, and hopefully the worst case scenario is 4-6 weeks in a cast. I don't even want to think about other options. :( I know a cast isn't the end of the world, but for a little girl who is so active (spending 7-8 hours a week at dance and gymastics) and who just started kindergarten, it's going to be a huge change to her life for a while.

I'm also so worried about how she'll do at school, having never broken a thing, I don't know how hard it is to get around with a cast on. Bella's always the one running to be in the front and the first to jump into the action, so being slowed down will likely come with a lot of frustration. Maybe it will help teach her some more patience, but it's going to be hard. I'm worried sick right now, I just want to get to the doctor and hear the verdict. I know we have been so blessed that she's always been so healthy, and this is really small compared to what some children face, but it's still scary to have anything wrong with your baby (even when that baby is quickly approaching you in height!).

If you've sent an email or left a message today that I have not yet returned, please hang in there and I will get back to you as soon as possible.


Anonymous said...

I know this is easier said than done, but try not to worry about all the nitty gritty details of Bella getting around with a cast. Take each moment as it comes. You WILL be able to deal with this, and Bella will learn something from this experience.

You're a great mom, CJ, and like I told you yesterday (email), you WILL find a way to make this an easier experience for Bella.

((Hugs for both of you!))

Sandi said...

Oh my goodness. I am so sorry!

Hugs for Bella!