Bella has been doing really well with her boot. Maybe even too well, she's constantly jumping, hopping, skipping and leaping on it, and pretty much completely stressing her parents out. I'm happy she's not in any pain, but just worry that she won't heal correctly. But, we went in for xrays on Thursday, and everything looked good. She may be out of the boot by Halloween. We go back on the 27th, and they will xray and decide then.
In the meantime we've been trying to keep her busy. If I ever thought that Bella doing eight hours of dance and gymnastics a week was too much for her, I was wrong. She has SO much energy and need to move, and it's amazing how not being able to get that energy out has affected her behavior in general. We've had quite the challenging and defiant week around here. Sigh...
Her gymnastics coach suggested she come in on Thursday for a modified work out, and it went very well, and it was obvious that she was so happy to be there. On Friday, her former dance teacher invited her to come 'assist' her with two classes. She had such a blast, and it was a nice way to break up a day off from school. I have to admit it made me a little sad to watch the little two year old ballerinas dancing in that room, because it seems like Bella was their size only yesterday.

Our friends and family have been really awesome at trying to cheer Bella up and come up with things for her to do. Our dear friends the Johnson Family sent over the most amazing package filled with a number of things for her to do. Markers, coloring books, a movie and even a build a bear that she had a great time putting together with Rick.

Tomorrow she's back at school, and I can play catch up from her "fall break". It's really amazing how many breaks the schools have. I think she still has three early dismissal days and another day off this month. Normally it would be great, as the weather is faublous (yippie - fall is HERE!) but with the boot we are limited in what we can do. So we've been doing a LOT of fall arts and crafts and Bella has logged probably more time then she should on But we are hopefully halfway through her time in the boot. :) And hey, it beats a cast, so I really can't complain.
1 comment:
OMG, I love that pic of Bella with the tiny dancers! It probably made her feel so good and grown up, to be able to help the younger girls. =]
It's great that she's got such caring people around her, so that the time in the boot passes pleasantly. Nice goodie box.
Have a great week, CJ.
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