Wednesday, October 1, 2008

She's such a trooper

I've said it before and I'll say it again - that kid of mine is such a trooper.

Fortunately Bella's ankle fracture is what is known as a Salter Harris I fracture. This is extremely good news. The radiologist's report said she had a probable Salter I/Salter III fracture. Salter III's often require surgery, so it was a huge relief to rule that out. Because the fracture is in the growth plate, we will have to monitor it with xrays a few times a year, for a few years. Hopefully there will not be any issues, and her growth will continue as normal. I'm trying not to worry about the long term issues too much, as I will probably drive myself crazy if I do.

Another blessing is that she was not put in a cast, but in a boot. It can only be removed for bathing, but somehow it just seems so much better then a cast. She was able to walk on it right away, and I think she's only complained about it once all day. She did so well that we are letting her return to school tomorrow. I'm nervous about it - because she is not letting the boot slow her down at all, and she probably should take it easy, just a little bit. I've talked to the nurse and her teacher, and I think she'll do fine. I hope that kids are kind to her and nobody makes her feel self concious about it. While she's very tough and outgoing, she's also very sensitive. No idea right now how long she'll have to wear the boot for, we return in a week for them to xray it, and hopefully will have a better idea at that time.

The sense of relief is tremendous. It could have been so much worse. It's been an adrenaline filled few days - in a matter of 48 hours we had to deal with a possible concussion and a broken ankle. I'd like to take the rest of the week off from injuries pretty please! We are trying to come up with some alternate activities for her for the next month - she has every bit as much energy as usual, which is a lot. :)

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