Tuesday, July 15, 2008


I do not scrapbook nearly as much as I should or I would like to. Heck, I barely manage to get my photos printed more then a few times a year. There just always seem to be other things that need to be tended to, but sometimes I need to remind myself that capturing these memories IS a priority.

One thing I have been trying to scrap are calendar months - one page - many memories. At first I tried it with paper scrapping, but never made it past the first month (I think that was March 2007). I've been digital scrapping for a few years, and really prefer it (no mess on the kitchen table!). When Heather Ann came out with her Monthly Memories Kit at Heather Ann Designs, I knew that I had found my solution.

I still don't manage to scrap nearly as often as I should, but I have been trying to keep up at least the calendar pages. Granted, I'm a few months behind, but it's better then nothing! Somehow I always seem to need a new kit to use before I can scrap, even though I have file after file of them. :) I just picked up this adorable "Twirl Collection" at The Shabby Shoppe that I used to put together my March 2008 page.

A peek at Jan & Feb...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These are really cute. I love the background pattern for February and March!

Have a good day. CYA 2moro.