Well I'm happy to say that kindergarten is going VERY well. Honestly I could not think of anything that could improve how Bella's first week has been going. Being able to attend the first day with her was great - I think it made it easier for her to go into a new situation with mom at her side, and it makes it easier for me to know what her room is like, where she goes, how shes gets there and who's teaching her. We spent some time in her classroom, then went and visited all of her "specials" which are PE, Library, Music and Art. (Can I just say how shocking it is that my child has the same music teacher that my brother and I had growing up - seriously, what are the chances???).
Bella made two friends before we started school - "G" we met at a tour of the school, and then saw again the day of kindergarten assessments. "L" she met and played with at open house, but her mother and I had actually chatted online and had planned to get the girls together prior to school starting, but with both of us going on vacation it didn't work out. So anyway, before that first day she had two girls who she already felt comfortable with - and I think this made a HUGE difference. She was so excited to see them the first day (as they were to see her).

The first day of her flying solo was a nervous one for both of us. We arrived early so that I could walk her to the gate (vs the drop off lane) and she went in without much hesitation. However when I was pulling out, I could see her on the playground looking very lost and confused and sort of circling around like she didn't know what to do. Then I saw "G" walk up, and they grabbed hands, and even from my car I could see and feel that Bella was at ease once she found her friend.
Yesterday went well, we did our first drop off lane drop off, and it went smoothly, and after school we went on a playdate with "G". She's such a doll, and while certainly a quieter and more cautious personality then Bella is, Bella really likes her and they both were sad to leave each other when playtime was over. I was a bit worried how she'd do with school (though a half day) a playdate and then three (gulp) hours of dance practice - but she did awesome. She came home after, protested going to bed, but passed out as soon as she hit the pillow.
Today was her first full day, and she did great. She's been learning about the school rules and what happens if you break those rules, as well as getting used to the new schedule and routine. She's eaten lunch in between "G" and "L" each day, and I'm just so happy that she's found some friends. I am however encouraging her to make more friends, and not leave other children out. I constantly try to point out to her how lucky she is to have friends, but how some kid may not have found friends yet, and that she needs to make new friends.

I will say I was a bit surprised when we attended orientation to find out how low the state standards are for kindergarten. Granted, Arizona is not know for great schools, but it was still disappointing. The teacher says that they can and will advance, accelerate or deepen the work as needed. I know the first few weeks are filled with paperwork and assessments for the teachers, so I'm not going to worry too much about it. Right now Bella needs to learn the ropes and rules of this big new world, and the academic challenges will come.
For some reason today was the hardest for me. Not sure if it was because it was the first full day or what. After I dropped her off (and drove past her on the playground) I sort of burst into tears - it just sort of hit me out of nowhere. She's just growing up so fast. But I'm thankful that we are off to such a good start and that she's happy each morning to head to school.

So now it's time for me to catch up on work (while I expected the first week of school to be emotional, I didn't expect it to be as consuming as it has been) and create my new daily routine. Aside from holiday seasons, I'm hoping to soon stop working on weekends and evenings, which will be quite nice. Speaking of quite nice, I have to give props to my hubby... knowing what a hard week this has been (and it's hard for him to see her grow up as well, but he doesn't have to drive off and watch her on that playground!) he treated me to a new purse -one that I've wanted for years. I think we'll keep him. :)
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